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Historia Normanów
System społeczny
Normanowie wg. Ospreya
Bayeux Tapestry
Wojowie i Drużyny - Polska
Wojowie i Drużyny - Zagranica
Ciekawe miejsca w sieci
Irlandia a Normanowie


Viking "experimental archaeology" - living history. Collaborates with Moesgard Museum. Somewhere in Denmark. In Danish and English.
Adres: http://hjem.get2net.dk/poul_riis_svendsen/Brimir.html

Die Landen van Herwaerts Over (Dutch Medieval Society)
Die Landen van Herwaerts Over (Dutch Medieval Society)500 - 1500 AD Europe; includes a Viking unit

De Geschiedenis Herrijst Feniks
et schaakspel zoals wij tegenwoordig allemaal kennen is al erg oud. De spelregels zijn in al die eeuwen niet eens zo eg veranderd, althans daar gaan we wel vanuit gezien het feit dat de schaakstukken niet veranderd zijn. Er zijn vele mogelijke uitvoeringen gevonden in de loop der eeuwen, maar de mooisten bestonden uit spelborden van verschillend ingelegd hout en schaakstukken van ivoor. Maar eenvoudiger materialen zijn ook gevonden. Er zijn schaakstukken gevonden van allerlei materialen die men ook kan gieten (tin, brons, zilver en goud). Voor de spelregels van het schaken verwijzen wij je graag naar een bibliotheek of schaakclub bij jou in het dorp of stad.

Die Franko Flemmish Contingent
Das „Franco Flemish Contingent“, kurz FFC, ist ein etwa 2jähriges Projekt, an dessen Ende die gemeinsame Teilnahme und Darstellung normannischer oder franko-flämischer Krieger in der Reenactmentveranstaltung "Battle of Hastings“ (sh. Geschichte) am 14. u. 15. 10.2006 steht.

Unser Name „Die Dorrenberger zu Suntraha“ rührt aus unseren Anfängen und bezieht sich auf den gleichnamigen Dornberg, an dessen Fuße unsere Heimatstadt Sontra in Nordhessen liegt. Historisch ohne Bezug, klang der Name ganz gut und so wurde er bis heute beibehalten.

Hier bringen wir Ihnen das Reenactment des europäischen Frühmittelalters und des frühen Hochmittelalters näher. Sie wissen nicht, was Reenactment oder Living-History bedeutet? Dann lesen Sie nach unter:Was ist Reenactment?

Milites 1066
Diese Gruppe gliedert sich dem rechten Flügel (nicht politisch!) bei der Schlacht von Hastings in Jahre 1066 an. Dort steht das Franco-Flemish-Contingent (FFC). Wir sind ein Teil dieses Kontingentes und stellen dort einen gegen Bezahlung kämpfenden Miles incl. dessen Kämpfer bzw. Gefolge dar.

The Prince's Guard (Kniazheskaia Druzhina)
10th - 15th century Russia, England, Scotland, France. Combat, riding, feasts, living history. St. Petersburg, Russia. Site is in Russian.

Black Raven
9th - 11th century Scandinavia & Russia. Site in Russian.

Oficjalna strona Bitwy pod Hastings 2006
Wstępne szczegóły dotycz±ce bitwy oraz formularz zgłoszeniowy
Adres:http://hastings.vikingsonline.org.uk /

Wychwood Warriors 793-1066
David Colvin, St Anne's College, Oxford, OX2 6HS
Adres: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~wychwood/

The Vikings
The Vikings - strona brytyjskich wikingów, normanów i Celtów 800-1066
Adres: http://www.vikingsonline.org.uk/index.htm

Regia Anglorum
Regia Anglorum 850-1100 Anglo-Saxon, Viking, Norman and British Living History

Dahrg de Belne
950 Viking, Saxon. Birmingham

11th c. Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland

Danetre Vikings
Vikings. Daventry, Northamptonshire

Dark Ages Society
9th c., Time of Viking invasion & Anglo-Saxon resistance. Recreation, role-play, some public demos, combat.

Conquest, Society of Anglo-Norman Living History.1066 - 1086, The Battle of Hastings to the Domesday Book 1135 - 1154, The anarchy of King Stephen's reign - Battle of Lincoln - Battle of the Standard 1199 - 1215, The Barons war - Richard CDL - King John's signing of the Magna Carta Focus on entertaining and educating the public about history. In addition to the above list, they also do an Anglo-Norman camp demo, archery, various crafts. Lots of history lessons on their page.
Adres: http://www.conquest.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

Welcome to the OFFICIAL Jomsvikings Webside
Jomsvikings (pronounced - Yomsvikings), plural noun: An international military brotherhood whose members are bound by ties of loyalty. The Jomsvikings are composed of the most noteworthy modern Vikings, and membership is restricted to warriors whose dress, deportment, and fighting skills are exemplary. A warrior cannot apply for membership in the Jomsviking Brotherhood, but must be invited to join by the existing Jomsvikings. The Jomsvikings campaign in the summer across many lands and are always seeking the next adventure. The close ties between Brother Jomsvikings, and the emphasis on a high standard of training and authenticity mean that the Jomsvikings can always be relied on to produce high quality public displays and events. The Jomsvikings can undertake all manner of events in a professional manner, and can provide full logistical backup if necessary. This website provides information on all aspects of the personalities and skills the Jomsvikings can provide.
Adres: http://www.jomsvikings.com

Ancient Arts Fellowship
400-1200 Demos, combat demos, crafts. Canberra.
Adres: http://www.netspeed.com.au/saffie

"Dark Age", Northern European (English, Viking, Celt, Norman). Demos. Based in Newcastle.

10th-11thc. Concentrating on Viking Britain invasion. Steel combat demos, crafts.
Adres: http://samildanach.tripod.com/main.htm

Fire and Steel
Viking. Steel combat. Newcastle.
Adres: http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/fireandsteel

Fröjel Gotlandica Viking Re-enactment Society
Viking. Combat demos, crafts. Victoria.
Adres: http://www.frojel.com

New Varangian Guard
10th-13thc. Byzantine. Demos, crafts. Victoria
Adres: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/3696/NVGInc/index.html

The Grey Company
600 - 1100 AD Europe. Theatrical fighting, crafts. Perth.
Adres: http://www.iinet.net.au/~bill/greyco.html

900 - 1066 Their aim is to study and accurately re-create the life of the people living in northern Europe during the Viking Age They are the first local group of Gefor?ian Strand, the North American branch of Regia Anglorum. Based in New England
Adres: http://www.valhs.org